Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fashion Show/A Fine Frenzy/WIN

I went to a fashion show as a field trip yesterday
before i get to the actual fashion show i would like to talk about the ride there
You remember those movies about kids going to camp and the whole bus singing a long to annoying random songs?
Yeah..that was pretty much it.
Lemme see if i can remember the songs we sang:
Dont Stop Believing
Pokemon Theme song
Digimon Theme song
The Beginning of Best Of Both Worlds
Blues Clues Theme Song
I Got A Feeling
A Whole New World
And a whole bunch of other songs i either can't remember or didn't know in the first place.
It was veryy fun.
On to the actual show.
There were acrobatics, Opera, Spoken word poetry, some DJ from Best Dance Crew?, and A FINE FRENZY.
Sadly i think i was the only one who knew who they were. :/
Some models were nice.
Some models just did their job and walked around like they were better then you.
...I wanna be a model and walk around like i'm better than everyone!!
I made it a point to not cheer for the mean models and only to the nice ones.
One of them waved at me~~
Haha. Lingere came last.
.........................Uhmmm....My voice hurts from screaming too much.
Seriously though at that point the crowd would not fuckin shut up.
It was hilarious.
So! Thatt was how i spent my friday.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mental Breakdown y/n?

Might be having a mental breakdown.
See, my 0 readers, theres this boy that was my friend and after some shit(Shit that wasn't my fault..just wanted to clarify) i do not want to discuss he hates me.
Wants to see me dead.
Get it?
He was homeschooled then went to some schools and he changes schools frequently since he has anxiety problems and sometimes goes back to homeschooling.
I shoulda seen this coming.
I've been seeing someone that looks like him at my school.
At first i thought i was going crazy but then...
I passed him on the way to class and he was laughing with a friend and he sees me
says oh shit
and covers his face with his jacket.
I look straight ahead and ignore this.
I can't take it.
The first time i saw him i was just behind him on the way up stairs...
I feel horrible that the reason i thought it was him is because of the way he dressed and the way he shook his head.
Why do i notice these things?
Why do i only notice these things about him?
I sincerely hope i'm going crazy and its really not him.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Didn't even get his name...

Contrary to the title of this post it wasn't a bad day.
I went to the beach with my family saw a rock formation that looked like a dinosaur. Proceeded to imagine said rock formation was actually a dinosaur and pretended i was riding it...
No sane 15 year old would never admit that, huh?
It was a beautiful day and i was pissed that i didn't bring my camera..
Which is the reason this post isn't filled with mediocre pictures with captions like this:
'OMG Isn't this, liek, the purdiest picture of a sunset you've evar seen!!11!!eleven!'
But i had a very nice conversation with a guy who was taking pictures.
Yes. I talked to someone today.
I was social.
Believe It.
He was nice.
Bad thing?
I didn't even get his name...

"Its not about what kind of camera you have, really, its about how you use it"

Truer words were never spoken, camera guy.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

School Has Started

School has started again! I've never been a big fan of school. Way i see it theres always the pretty girls who are nice, the pretty girls who are mean, Awkward guys, Cool Guys, and the weird people.
I dont fit into any of these categories.
Some people would say i'm shy but i'm actually not.
I just dont have anything to say.
If you were to be in 3 of my periods you would never know my name or that i even excisted.
And i'm fine with that!
I dont have anything to prove to the kids at my school.
And if they dont talk to me theyll never know what theyre missing out on.